Compost is a fertilizer made from the remains of living things, both animal and plants are decomposed by decomposing organisms. Decomposing organisms or microorganisms or decomposers can be makroorganisme. Compost serves as a source of nutrient and growing medium for plants.
Viewed from the manufacturing process, there are two kinds of ways to make compost, which is through the process of aerobic (with air) and anaerobic (without air). Both of these methods produce compost that is as good as it's just a bit different physical form.
How to make compost aerobic method
Aerobic composting process should be conducted in an open place with good air circulation. Character and the type of raw materials is suitable for aerobic composting organic material which has a ratio of carbon element (C) and nitrogen (N) is small (below 30: 1), the water content of 40-50% and a pH of about 6-8. An example is a legume forage, straw, banana stem and poultry droppings. When shortages were megandung carbon, can be added to rice husk into the batter fertilizer.
How to make compost
How to make aerobic composting takes 40-50 days. Need more diligence to make compost with this method. We must carefully control the temperature and humidity of the compost as the composting process takes place. Periodically, the compost pile should be reversed to stabilize the temperature and humidity. Here's how to make compost aerobic:
Set up an area of ​​10 square meters for composting. Better if a composting given shade to avoid the rain.

Create a tub or a rectangular box of wooden boards with a width of 1 meter and a length of 1.5 meters. Choose a wooden board which has a width of 30-40 cm.
Prepare organic material from plant residues, can also be mixed with manure. Counting the organic material to become small pieces. The smaller the pieces of organic matter, the better. But do not get too smooth, so that aeration is complete when the composting can take place.
Put organic material which has been chopped into a wooden tub, kemudidan condense. Fill in all the wooden tub to the brim.
stages of composting
Clockwise: (1) Selection of the composting site, (2) Make a tub / wooden box, (3) Selecting and chopping of raw materials, (4) Include raw materials kedalm wooden tub
Sprinkle compost materials which are arranged in a wooden box to provide moisture. To accelerate the composting process can be added starter spoilage microorganisms in the compost pile. After that, raise the bath board to the top and then add it again the other ingredients. Keep going until a height of about 1.5 meters compost.
After 24 hours, the temperature of the compost pile will rise up to 65 ° C, let the hot state is up to 2-4 days. Its function is to kill pathogenic bacteria, fungi and weeds. It should be noted, the omission should not be more than 4 days. Because the potential to kill microorganisms decomposing compost. If microorganisms decomposers die, too, the compost will be longer maturation.
After day 4, lower temperature to prevent the death of microorganisms decomposers. Keep composting optimum temperature in the range of 45-60 ° C and humidity at 40-50%. How to keep the temperature is to flip through the compost, while the compost to keep moisture flush with water. In this condition, the evaporation is relatively high, to prevent this, we could cover the compost pile with plastic sheeting, as well as protect the compost from rain shower.

Inverting the compost should be done by the following method. Lift the wooden tub, disconnect it from the compost heap. Then put exactly next to the compost heap. Then move the top part compost into the wooden tub while stirring. Do as filling the compost in the early stages. Keep going until the whole tumpuka compost kesampingnya move. By doing so, all compost certainly have been overturned all. The reverse process should be done every 3 days until the composting process is complete. Or reverse when the temperature and humidity outside the specified limits.
When the temperature is stable below 45 ° C, brownish-black color compost and volume shrank by 50% to stop the reversal process. Next is a maturation process for 14 days.
Theoretically, the composting process is complete after 40-50 days. But the reality could be faster or slower depending on the circumstances decomposers and raw material for composting. Compost has matured characterized by brownish black color, the texture is crumbly, odorless.
To improve the appearance (if the compost to be sold) and to be stored longer, preferably compost sifted and packed in sacks. Keep compost in a dry and shady.
Stages of composting
Clockwise: (1) Watering and additions decomposers, (2) The process of piling compost, (3) clean up the stack, (4) Reversal of compost
Aerobic composting process is suitable for producing compost in large quantities. To see more about how to make compost by aerobic method, please watch the video tutorial below:

How to make compost method of anaerobic
How to make compost with anaerobic method usually requires inoculants microorganisms ( starter ) to speed up the composting process. Inoculant consists of a selection of microorganisms that can decompose organic matter quickly, as effectively mikroorganime (EM4). In the market there are also types of inoculants of various brands such as SuperBio, PROBIO, etc. If sufficient funds are not available, we can also create your own inoculant effective microorganisms .
Raw materials used should be organic material having a high ratio of C and N (over 30: 1). Some of them are sawdust, rice husks and goat manure. The time required to make compost with anaerobic method can be 10-80 days, depending on the effectiveness of decomposers and raw materials used. The optimal temperature during the composting process ranges from 35-45 ° C with a humidity level of 30-40%. Here are the stages of how to make compost with anaerobic process.
Prepare the organic material to be composted. Should choose soft material consisting of plant or animal waste. Materials that can be used, among others, forage plants, pulp, household organic waste, chicken manure, goat manure, etc. Chopping the ingredients until smooth, the smoother the better.
Prepare decomposers (EM4) as a starter. The trick, mix 1 cc EM4 with 1 liter of water and 1 gram of sugar. Then let stand for 24 hours.
Take the plastic sheeting as the base, save the organic materials that have been finely shredded on the tarpaulin. Mixed with sawdust on the material to add value comparison C and N. Then spray a solution that has been diluted EM4 earlier. Stir until evenly, keep the humidity in the range of 30-40%, if less humid water could be sprayed.
Prepare an airtight plastic barrels. Put organic material that has been mixed earlier. Then cover tightly and let stand until 3-4 days to undergo a fermentation process. Composting temperatures during fermentation will range from 35-45 o C.
After four days check compost maturity. Mature compost is characterized by the smell like the smell of tape.

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